Without notices, student’s in new era don’t have any freedom of religion self-expression in social spaces, education and many more. To be honest, student’s behavior in the classroom shouldn’t have any rules to prevent students from expressing their religious beliefs during class discussions. So school should give rights to their student to talk about their identities if some topics related to religion or related to their traditions during class discussions. Even though talking about one’s religion during lessons is not a violation in school rules, students are advised to involve in religious discussions during recess time (ADL,2012). That’s way students should make sure to express their beliefs neutrally and appropriately.

As we know it is possible for students to talk or touch any issues about their religion beliefs either in terms of advantages or disadvantages especially in submitted assignments. When it comes to works that will be checked and evaluated by teachers, school didn’t have other options than accept specific responses even though it’s contain religious statements (ADL,2012). But students right to talk about religion in assignment should be limited when it comes work on projects to be presented publicly, in front of lecturer or drama. Assignment should be in neutral way so that didn’t show any issues that make other students misunderstanding. It is also to avoid school in show interested in promoting specific views.

Social inequality really show in education because school students don’t have freedom to practice their religious beliefs in classroom. This action leads to the creation of student-led religious groups. Inequality about religion should not have different representative because this can cause argument between each other. The school must never endorse any religious practice in order to have social equality about religion in education. In addition, school should not give the impression that they endorse religion belief to show social equality about religion in education.

To summarize, teacher should not join or participate in any activities of student-led religious group. It is because this action can show that school have social inequality in religion. The EAA states that school teachers are allowed to attend the meetings of extracurricular religious groups only to monitor them, but any participation in religious activities is strictly prohibited (Haynes & Thomas, 2007). It means that school should monitor to make sure social inequality about religion didn’t happen in school.



Anti-Defamation League. (2012). Religion in the public schools. New York, NY: Anti-Defamation League.

Haynes, C. C., & Thomas, O. (2007). Finding common ground: A First Amendment guide to religion and public schools. Nashville, TN: First Amendment Center.



Social inequality in education really show their different based on religion. This is because some of student’s didn’t have any mutual understanding between each other. As we know, Christian religion are totally have a different way in teaching their student’s at school compare to Islam religion. Each religion are trying to make their students are way more better than other religion. I have one friend named Cathyana which is believer of Christian. She was my neighbourhood and I really liked to be friends with her because she never disrespect other religion. She know how to friends with different religion and didn’t compare it in all aspect. Cathyana believe that every religion have their pros and cons.

In Christian religion education, Cathyana tell that they offers individualised school curriculum for year 1-13. They also provided six core subjects for student’s essential learning needs. Maths, English, Science, Sosial Studies, Word Building (including Etymology) and Literature are those core subject. The curriculum is presented in the form of workbooks called PACEs (Packets of Accelerated Christian Education), and each subject consists of 12 PACEs per level. Students work daily on PACEs one at a time, in each of the subjects. Each student generally completes a minimum of 72 PACEs in one academic year. However, this varies according to the student’s ability. Based on Cathyana said, this school show social inequality because they don’t accept other religion to gain other knowledge at there.

The religion of Islam in education are balanced from aspect physically and spiritually. From my experience, our religion provided one subject that is specific for religion which is Islamic studies. In our school, they also provided several subject like Christian school such as Maths, English, Science and Malay. This school also offering students for elective subject like Arabic subjects, Al-Quran and tajwid education, and Jawi subjects. Some students also have been taught to memorize the holy verses of the Quran in that school. Other students that have different religion beliefs can study in this school because they can choose other elective subject.

In conclusion, every religion have their pros and cons that we never know. We shouldn’t judge out of nowhere for some religion. Eventhough we have different beliefs, we should give some respect for their decisions in choosing religion. Social inequality problems shouldn’t happen in education because they can gain new knowledge and they also can know how to respect other religion.


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