Based on research conducted by National Centre for Education Statistics, Americans believe that urban schools are failing to educate the students they serve. Their perception that urban students achieve less in school, attain less education and encounter less success. If you are asking me about this, I would say the exactly opposite. In my judgment, urban school have a good effort in improving the performance of students as well as the teachers.

Based on research conducted Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development or known as ASCD, urban schools often face such challenges as high student’s poverty and mobility rates, large numbers of English language learners, and unsafe neighborhoods. Yet even in the face of these challenges, many urban schools provide a high-quality education and produce high-achieving students. It is because from my perspective, urban school have lots of benefits will be obtained by a student as of the advanced technology in the aspect of education, especially the benefits for the school.

Return to our main topic which is what makes urban school different. Now days, as we can see from an educational point of view, urban schools are better than suburban schools and rural school. First and foremost, from my standpoint what makes urban school different is that urban school attract more and often more experienced teachers as of their better support and funding conditions. My view is supported by Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OCED), which is that schools in urban settings are larger, tend to benefit from better educational resources, and often enjoy greater autonomy in how they can allocate those resources. For instance, there are many experienced and high paid teacher compared to suburban and rural school. This usually happened because of the Ministry of Education focuses due to the location of the school in city areas. In comparison of suburban school which is teacher have fewer resources, low-paid teachers and less control over curriculum in urban settings.

In addition, urban school usually likely to have parents with high expectations for their children education that push them to succeed in college. This is because they believe that all the facilities provided by the government to urban schools will give the benefits. However, suburban schools are fewer resources regarding technology and funding. That’s make parents less focus on their children's education. Based on research by Report Linker urban students typically gain greater overall access to education and receive a higher quality education even a student’s socio-economic background partially contributes towards the difference in performance.

On a final note, I agreed that urban school is much better than suburban school. It can refer to the situations and demands that characterize teaching and learning in large metropolitan areas.



National Centre for Education Statistics (NCES). (1996, August 5). Urban School: Executive Summary. Retrieved from Urban Schools: The Challenge of Location Poverty: https://nces.ed.gov/pubs/web/96184ex.asp

PISA in Focus. (2013, May 1). What makes urban school different? Retrieved from https://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/education/what-makes-urban-schools-different_5k46l8w342jc-en

Steve Fleischman. (2005, March 1). Research Matters/Positive Culture in Urban School-ASCD. Retrieved from https://www.ascd.org/el/articles/positive-culture-in-urban-schools



It should be mentioned that urban school is method of schooling that takes place in large, densely populated areas with diverse populations. The community usually the parents are more likely to ensure that their children go to school in city due to the facilities and advantages. It can’t be denied that education in urban area have lots of advantages. However, it has shortcomings and problematic that must be contain by school authorities. These problems may affect students and teachers in learning and teaching lesson. For instance, have parents with high expectations in education, exposed to bad influences and need to achieve educational standards by the governments.

First, the students likely to have parents with high expectations in education. They push them to succeed in school or college. This is because the facilities are able to ensure their children succeed especially in examination. No matter how, the real fact is not all the children are able to fulfill the wishes of their parents. This problem will affect students’ during learning lesson.

Subsequently, the problematic of urban school is students may be exposed to bad influences. This is due to the fact that the environment will influence the thinking of students. Not only that, it may cause students to have the bad behavior because of parents who do not have time to care about their children. From this point, reason why this happened because they are busy of working until late at night. Although this thing does happen, but it is not too much.

Last but not least, achieve educational standards by the governments is one of the problems that must to face by school in city. This is because most people think that school in the city will show excellent performance. Indirectly, the government also want to ensure that students and the teachers give the best to reach the standards of education.

Ultimately, in order to overcome thIs problem, all parties must be responsible in ensuring that problem can be curbed, so that it does not give the negative effect on the school.





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