There are so many sports in this world,the one that are very famous such as football and badminton.The one that are least famous such as petanque and tennis.There are many different about facilities between sports that are popular and sports that are least famous.The famous sports always get good and modern facilities than least famous sports.There’re many reasons why famous sports get different facilities between least famous sports.

The first one is because of the society.The society love to support sports that always come out in Television like football.So that sports always get a modern facilities to fulfill what society want and to show to public that sports also have good facilities.It will pull society attention if sports have a good facilities.

As an examples,football have the most modern facilities in sports.The biggest football stadium in the world is Wembley Stadium that located in England.This stadium dubbed as ‘The Home of Football’ and one of the most iconic football stadiums in the world.This stadium have 90,000 seats,this is the largest stadium in the United Kingdom.Football stadium always have to be built very big.It is because many people like to watching football.

The second one is because there’s inequality in fund.The big company like to sponsor sports that very famous.It is because they will get very big returns.They also think that it will be useless if they fund the least famous sports because that don’t bring the big returns.If sports don’t have enough funds,it will be hard to develop.

As an examples,football always get the big sponsor from large company like Nike and Puma.From this sponsored,Nike and Puma will get very big returned in advanced because many fans of football will support their brands.Beside that,this brand also will get promoted by television and media.The effected of that,this company will rise up and be the famous sports company in the world.

Lastly,the reason why there’re different between each sports facility is because of inequality in government funds in sports.The government will give large fund to sports that raised name of the country like football and badminton compared to side sports.It is because the government think that sports always will raise the country name.As an examples,the government built Stadium National Bukit Jalil because football are the most popular sports in Malaysia.They never think to build a place to the sports that are underated.

In conclusion,there’re many factor of inequality in sports facilities.This inequality need to be done as soon as possible because this inequality will bring the bad effect to our country like the citizen don’t want to take part in sports because that sports have old facilities.


Dineskumar Ragu .(2021).Give us more funds to train and improve.

Amiya Saha.(2022).The most famous gambling companies that have sponsored football clubs.

Keith Koons.(2022).What are the different types of sports funding.

John Ainsworth.(2008).Why do companies invest in sports.


Nowdays sports is very famous as activities that can fill our free times.Sports also have many competition between countries in this world.But not everything that we look have a good journey.There is many inequalities in sports that public do not know about.This inequalities is hiding behind sports excellence.In this writing I will tell you about the social inequalities in sports of gender,race and coaches.

The first one is gender inequality in sport.Everyone know that in this world women always get underestimated.In sports,women also get that thoughts.It is because the qualities of sports are aggressive,strong and daring,all of the qualities are the stereotypical of men.Beside that,to be succesful in a sport,a men need to be seen as manly while to be succesful female athlete is not seen as girly or women-like.This belief that women aren’t capable of what men are in sports have held women back for centuries.

As an examples,in the first Olympics in 1896,women weren’t allowed to compete.It also happened in the second olympics that women weren’t allowed to participate in tennis and golf.Beside that,women also get less scholarship in sports that males participate in.Lastly,did we ever realized that women sporting events always get very little coverage on television compared to les prominent male sports.

The second one is race inequality.We all know that in this world,we have country that have many race that lives in that country such as United States of America and Malaysia.But what we don’t know is that not every race in that country have privileged to get the opportunities in sports.It is because,the majority race of the country always will get more opportunities compared to the minority.

As an examples,we can took a look at USA,the white people always get more opportunities and attention in sports compared to black people.Black people always get racial abuse from the fans of sports.Beside that,on average white coaches receive higher salaries compared to the salary of African Americans.The only black majority owner in the four major professional sports is Michael Jordan.

Lastly,the coaches inequality.This happened because of the head coaches of any sports have unprecedented power over their athletes,other coaches and the fans.Some sports receive more funds than other giving the coaches an unfair advantage.Beside that,during selection of players and athletes coaches display bias by choosing favorites based on bias and personal issues.If athletes don’t agree with that choice,the will get discarded from the sport.Sometimes in rare situations,coaches unnecessarily “ruff up” their playes.

In conclusion,there are many issues in sports today that create inequalities for players.This inequalities can be solve by creating the new rules.I hope in the future,this problem can be solved.


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