Qaseh was the only child in her family. She used to live in the village with family but since her mother died , she needed to follow her father's move to Kuala Lumpur and lived there with him and his new wife. Her new mother was a Chinese woman and because of that her mother wanted her to study at the Chinese school so that she can learn how to speak in mandarin language. At first , Qaseh thought it would be a great idea because she had never been to any school where the majority of the students were Chinese.

On the first day she went to school , everything started to change and the surroundings felt so different than she ever thought. It was never the same as she imagined before. First day school wasn’t that fun for her, she got ignored the whole day by her classmates. No one cared or tried to approach her when she came to the class. Everyone acted like nothing happened when she came. She tried to be friendly with her classmates but unfortunately everyone ignored her because of her hijab. 

On a rainy day, when she was walking to her class, suddenly 3 young girls came toward her and held her hands. She was too blank at that time until she couldn't even move. One of the young girls aggressively grabbed her hijab and threw it away. Qaseh was so confused at that time and slowly started to cry silently. They laughed so hard when they saw Qaseh was crying. But then all the laughter stopped when one of the Chinese saw them. He was the president of the school prefect named Leo. “Hey, what are you guys doing , stay away from that girl before I bring three of you to the head of principle!” scolded him. Three of the young girls started to run away. He took her hijab and gave it back to her. “Thank you,” said Qaseh. “No problem, if they tried to bully you after this just inform me , I will make sure they will regret what they have done” said Leo. Qaseh slowly wiped her tears and walked to her class while Leo waited for her until she entered her class safely.

Since that tragedy, no one dared to bully her because of him. Everyone started to be nice with her. Finally, she had friends to talk with and slowly tried to adapt to the environment there. 

From this story we can conclude that we need to treat people nicely and not based on their religious beliefs , race or skin colour. We need to respect them as long as they respect us. We also can’t judge people by their appearance because good hearts didn’t come from the way they look.


    Nowadays, many corrupt people use racism as an excuse to justify horrific behaviour towards others. Some people discriminate against others on the basis of colour , religions , skin colour and others But no one realizes this racism could affect people’s lives. Some of them might take it as a joke but certainly take it as a serious issues which also could cause death.

     Based on some research , mostly people with black skin get treated badly by people around them. People judge them by their appearance and think that all black people have bad intention toward people who are around them.They are being assaulted , blamed and get ignored by people around them because of their skin colour. Not just that , parents who are racist toward black people also avoid their kids to be friends or play together with black people cause they might think that those black people will harm their children and could influence them to commit crimes. People also judge them by their appearance and assume they have bad intentions which might hurt them one day. White people mostly tried to avoid black people from get involved in any kind of leadership program because they think in the future black people would take advantage and do revenge on them. While in school , teachers are most likely to choose white students compared to black students. Based on some data collected , only 30% of teachers in Canada wanted to teach black people while another 70% tried to avoid teaching black students. The teachers also choose white students among all students as their target as excellence students for any examinations compared to black students. 

    As a human being , we need to prevent this racism from our society by launching some campaigns to separate awareness to all people about the bad effects that could happen because of racism. Government also need to take serious with this issues by enforce the law about racism and by that people will be scared to be racist with others cause they will get caught or being punished. Other than that , we also need to treat all people nicely just the way they should be treated no matter what ,where they come from and who they are.


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