Today, there are many crimes happening in our society. One of the types of crimes is sexual harassment. Our society constantly hears or reads about individuals who claim they are victims of sexual harassment. Among the individuals who are often affected by sexual harassment are women. Sexual harassment needs to be stopped when someone tries to touch or make other physical contact with you without your permission, giving comments that have a sexual meaning and unwanted sexually explicit photos, emails or text messages.


First, when someone tries to touch you or make other physical contact with you without your permission, you should immediately let the person know that you are uncomfortable and would like the behavior to stop. Physical harassment can be happened at the workplace or even in public places. To create a harassment-free environment, a policy needs to be implemented which is not easy to happen. Sometimes sexual harassment registers as a trauma for someone who has been affected and can cause emotional and mental disorders.


Second, giving comments that have a sexual meaning is also called as verbal sexual harassment. It can leave feelings to the victim such as feeling frustrated, scared, humiliated or insecure. For some people, it can seriously affect their mental health. There are some examples of verbal harassment like jokes, name-calling and insults. Other distractions include such as unwelcome sexual advances and requests for sexual favors. If this happened at your workplace, you can report it to HR or a supervisor to help you to feel comfortable and safe.


Last, sexual harassment can also occur through nonverbal sexual harassment. Nonverbal sexual harassment does not involve oral communication or physical contact. Some examples of nonverbal sexual harassment include unwanted sexually explicit photos, emails or text messages. If interaction with someone makes you feel uncomfortable, tell them that you want it to stop. Then, you need to stop all the communication with the harasser and block the harasser on all social media platforms. It is not your fault and you deserve a safe place even on online platforms.


All in all, the purpose of this writing is to give a clear understanding of the various aspects of sexual harassment and how you can deal with it. If you are facing any types of sexual harassment, remember the tips given above. Sexual harassment is a very negative issue and the simple fact is against the law and you have a right to protect yourself.



The Different Types of Sexual Harassment? - D'Amore Law Group. (2020, September 5). D'Amore Law Group. Retrieved November 16, 2022, from

Sexual Harassment - Definition, Examples, Cases, Processes. (2015, August 12). Legal Dictionary. Retrieved November 16, 2022, from


Deal Well with Small Household Chores

There is a family of mom, dad and a little daughter named Mia. Mia lives in a modest family because her parents work hard to have a comfortable life. One cold night, Mia woke up from sleep as a result of the sound of a washing machine that was too loud to get into her dream. Mia recalled her mother who had just returned from work and rushed to resume work at home. Mia was saddened to see her father in a good mood sleeping because her father never attempts to assist her mother with any household chores.

One morning, Mia's mother woke up late until her father delayed going to work. A mother had asked Mia's father to send her son to the school near his home since Mia was still 8 years old and needed good supervision. His father's facial expressions continued to turn into anger as a result of the errand requested by his wife just now. Her husband has also blamed his wife for waking up late this morning. Although she is heartbroken by the words spoken by her husband, she is only able to keep quiet because her wife's nature is so gentle.

After a week of this incident, Mia's father still had no feelings to help his wife in doing household chores. One sweltering hot afternoon, Mia's mother ran away on her way home as a result of two stray dogs stalking her on the street. Arriving home, her husband threw a shirt at her and told her to shuffle the shirt so he could wear it tonight. To avoid a fight between husband and wife in front of her son Mia, the mother continues to rush to the iron and shuffle the clothes. When Mia grinned from ear to ear as she was watching her favourite story, the mother in the kitchen felt exhausted to the point of fainting. It wasn't until her mother wanted to reach for the phone to ask for help from her father who was having fun at the party, Mia's mother fell on the floor due to being too tired.

Mia had asked for help from her next-door neighbour to take her fainting mother to the hospital. After an hour of waiting, Mia's father showed up and looked for his wife, who was fighting for her life in the operating room because when her mother fell to the floor, her head was hit by a strong impact on the wall.

On a very quiet morning, Mia's mother was also discharged from the hospital in good condition. After the big incident happen with their family members, Mia's father has changed her attitude for the better. Mia's father has started doing household chores. He was just aware of the mistakes he had made and began to correct the mistakes.



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