In this era of information and technology, we can get almost everything on our fingertips. Have you ever wondered how life would be if gender be the problem of social inequality? Gender inequality is increasing all over the world with serious negative impacts on people’s lives. There are many disadvantages of gender inequality as a global issue. As we know, gender inequality is a global issue where men and women enjoy different levels of representation in life. In considering the dimensions of economic gender inequality, women still make less than men in formal work sector. This situation make gender is an issue that causes them not to be treated equally in various sectors of the world.

     First and foremost, the disadvantages of gender inequality is lack of opportunities for economic participation. This means that women have fewer opportunities in work section. For example, in meeting, women’s opinion is not fully accepted in workplace. Based on McKinsey’s statistics,men currently hold 60% of manager positions, while women hold only 40%.This is because many people assume that women less access to basic and higher education, greater health and safety risks. As a result, there are still women that jobless even if they deserve and have their own skills.

      In contrast, sexual harassment also happen in gender inequality. It is because violence against women is much more likely to occur when power and opportunities are not shared equally between men and women in society, and women are not respected as much as men. 81% of women and 43% of men reported experiencing some form of sexual harassment in their lifetime. Consequently, it can make them to have trauma and have low self-esteem. Therefore, this thing is very dangerous and give a negative impact in someone’s life.

     Finally, the gender inequality as a global issue is in education. This situation can be seen when many girls do not go to school compared to boys. It is because the factor of gender inequality in education is related with many factors. For example, many people assume that boys are smarter than girls. Thus, school responsible to prevent this thing from happening because it leads to the bad environment in school.

     However, the advantage of gender inequality is it can increase respect between women and men. It is because there are still some people that gain awareness and try to prevent this problem from happening. Hence, it will decrease all types of gender inequality. As a result, rape, killing and sexual harassment will be disappear someday. Ultimately, we should realise how gender inequality impact in our world.

     In conclusion, I completely think that there is more disadvantages rather than the advantage of gender inequality that often happen nowadays. It is hope that this situation can be prevent in the future and people should be aware of what they think in this sociality.


Nowadays, there are many social inequalities that happen in our world. Social inequality happen in many area but one of it is educational inequality. Educational inequality is the unequal distribution of academic opportunity,qualified teachers or digital technologies that result in lessening a student or population’s educational, academic success or performance. In fact, inequality leads to major differences in educational success or efficiency of these individuals. There are a few types of educational inequality namely, inequality by parental income, inequality by stratification and racial inequality.

         Firstly, educational inequality happen by parental income. This is because parents may affect the behavior and decisions taken by their children through genetic transmission, preferences or environment. For instance, children think that more educated and richer parents can provide a better environment. Moreover, household income may not be enough for children to buy digital gadgets such as tablet and laptop for their educational purpose. As a result, there are some students in school that treated well by their teachers because of their rich parents. However, the students that have less parental income always get ignore in school community because many people think that student that have little parental income is not helping much in academic achievement.

Next, social stratification also happen in educational inequality. This is because there are many characteristics of children and their families that have been found to be strongly associated with children’s educational achievement and educational attainment. For instance, students ranking and achievement in school also influenced by their characteristic such as the process of socialization from girls and boys can impact their educational outcomes. Moreover, there are also students that study in public school and private school. Some students that have a rich family background study in private school. This make our society think that students from economically poor families are more likely to attend public school by worse infrastructure and fewer qualified teachers. Hence, they are more likely to end up with lower learning outcomes.

In contrast, racial inequality also include in educational inequality. It is because there are various of races in our country that 50% of 2441 Malaysians had experienced discrimination in schools. For example, it can be seen when Malay and non-Malay students not interact with each other because of their different languages and skin colour. Therefore, the school organization must organize some campaigns to solved this problem.


In conclusion, social inequality in education should be viewed as something which has the power of determining the quality of life. This is important in ensuring the best of education as well deliver the quality of education onto learner. As consequence, this will make life much better for all people within society. I hope that everyone should play their role to make sure everyone is treated equally in education institution.




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