Good school management can affect the teaching and learning atmosphere of teachers and students at school. A school that has a good environment and facilities for teachers and students will definitely give them comfort to carry out their tasks. However, not all schools are able to provide various facilities perfectly due to various factors. Therefore, there is a difference in the atmosphere in urban schools and in rural schools that we can see.

            First of all, most schools in the city are equipped with various facilities compared to schools in the countryside. Schools in the city have larger school allocations because they are helped by parents and the government. Usually wealthy parents will send their children to school in the city because it is considered more comfortable.They will donate funds to the school through the parents and teachers association (pta) to improve the facilities at the school..

            In addition, rural schools often face the problem of a lack of new teachers or young teachers compared to urban schools. Old teachers differ from young teachers because their level of creativity is less than that of young teachers. Sometimes, these old teachers cannot speak clearly, making the learning process difficult. These factors will affect the quality of the students' learning and have a lasting effect on their understanding of a subject.

            Furthermore, the rural school area has a rather dirty environment compared to the city school. A lot of rubbish is thrown everywhere and even worse there is excrement like cat excrement everywhere and is not managed well. These things have been causing some areas in the school environment to become rotten and unpleasant to look at. School management and students should be concerned about this problem because it can affect the image of their school.

In conclusion, rural schools need to be given attention by all parties to create all facilities and comfort for teachers and students to undergo an effective teaching and learning process. If students can feel comfortable while learning, it can help them learn more happily and not feel distracted by other things. Students in urban schools need to be responsible for all the facilities that have been provided to them by using them carefully and taking advantage of every benefit of the facilities.



            Every school everywhere experiences various challenges that they have to face, especially among the school management and teachers. The challenges they face are different according to the situation of the school. However, what we want to discuss is the unique challenges faced by teachers in poor schools. city and provide insight into teacher characteristics and behaviors that increase opportunities for students to demonstrate academic achievement.

            The first challenge they face is that suburban schools have fewer resources than urban schools. The first challenge they face is that rural schools have fewer resources than urban schools. Schools in the suburbs do not have enough facilities for teachers and students to carry out the teaching and learning process. For example, almost 35% of the population still do not have access to steady internet service, especially in rural areas.

            In addition, many students in rural schools are at risk of failing in their studies. This situation occurs because students often ignore the importance of learning and their teachers are unable to overcome the problem. This is proven through a study that states as many as 12,000 school students in Sabah are not good at reading which makes them more likely to fail the exam.

            furthermore, successful teachers will maintain high expectations for all students, regardless of where they teach or the background of their students. Most successful teachers believe that all children can learn like their previous successful students. that is, they maintain high expectations for all students, regardless of where they teach or the background of their students. This has affected the students' performance to the point that they are unable to understand what their teachers are teaching.

            However, rural teachers often have a more unique and powerful impact on students’ lives. Rural teachers can facilitate close-knit connections that often involve nurturing and supportive relationships with students and their families that can enhance learning in the classroom and continue beyond the school day. For example, rural schools are often considered as the basis for fostering social activities among rural communities.

            In conclusion, all the challenges faced by rural schools is a problem that they often experience. Therefore, this situation needs to be emphasized especially by the government in strengthening the teaching and learning process in rural schools as it happens in urban schools.If the government does not take appropriate action, it will affect all parties and affect the performance of students who have good academic ability in rural schools.


Angela Starrett & Jan Yow, (2020), Teachers Connecting With Rural Students And Places: A Mixed Methods Analysis.

Asyikin Asmin,(2022), Sabah Students Still Face Issues To Master "3M" Skills.

Rebecca Swanson Gehrke, (2005), Poor School, Poor Students, Successfull Teacdhers.

Shivani Supramanni,(2020), Internet Still Not Available to Many.


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