Jenny The Unlucky Daughter

In a town, there was a wealthy couple named Andy and Sandy. They had two identical twins, Jackson and Jenny, but they were treated differently. This situation happened because Andy and Sandy have different perceptions of them. They loved Jackson more than Jenny because they believed he is the only worthy heir to their wealth. So, Jenny always be treated like a maid at home and often got insulted by his own mother, Sandy.

Every day, Jenny was told to cook and do housework. If she misses doing one of them, she will be punished by Sandy either by caning or pinching her body. Jackson sympathizes with Jenny, but there is nothing he can do to help her despite what her mother did was wrong. One day, Jackson asked Jenny to hang out together as a reward for being a bright student at school. Out of the blue, Sandy called and yelled at Jenny "Jenny, where are you right nowWhy don’t you cook lunch today? Come home and cook now!” Seeing Jenny’s beautiful brown eyes full of tears, immediately Jackson took her home.

 As the saying goes, life is not always as beautiful as imagined. Somehow, Andy and Sandy intend to organize a birthday party only for Jackson this year and it will be held at the end of this month. “Invite all our relative and your close friends dear, but don’t invite jenny’s one so that this party will not ruined by them.” Said Sandy to Jackson. Jenny who just wanted to leave the room stopped for a moment hearing her mother's words and whisper in her heart “Why doesn't mom treat me like she treated Jackson?” Her heart roared with sadness but she had to persevere and accept everything that happened.

          The day had come, the pale crescent moon shone like a silver claw in the night sky and their house was crowded with people. Suddenly, Sandy pulled Jenny into an empty room that painted black and white and locked her. She was stunned and decided to break the door after thinking about her fate. As jenny quietly went out into the yard while everyone was enjoying the moment, she suddenly tripped and accidentally bumped into a vase that full of fresh flowers. The guest tried to help, but unfortunately her mother stepped quickly and slapped her on the cheek. Her heart broke and couldn't take it anymore. Then, she yelled "Is it bad to have a daughter?"

            After the scene, Jenny run away as fast as lightning then a car from the far crash into her. She was lying on the ground bleeding profusely in front of Sandy and people were calling for an ambulance but the time was running out. Therefore, an auto driver took the Jenny in his auto and rushed to the hospital. But she had died on the way.

Why should women be treated equally with men?

In a recent Pew Research Center survey, 42% of women said they did experienced gender discrimination in society. In terms of physical strength and physiological features, women may not be comparable to men although they share the same brain and organs. However, they should be treated equally with men in all aspects because they have proven that they can also do a work as challenging as men do and made everyone proud. 

Among the achievements of women that make everyone proud is that there is a first woman who has been to space in 1963 named Soviet Cosmonaut, Valentina Tereshkova. She launched a solo mission abroad the spacecraft Vostok 6 and spent more than 70 hours orbiting the Earth. Before that, she received 18 months of severe training with the Soviet Air Force after selection. These tests studied her abilities to cope physically under the extremes of gravity as well as handle challenges such as emergency management and the isolation of being in space alone. Overall, women also can handle challenges alone as well as men. 

Furthermore, there are women entrepreneurs may hold the key to the future of economy. This is because according to the Women Business Enterprise National Council, women entrepreneurs own 40% of all businesses in the U.S and that number seems to be steadily climbing since 2000. It’s clear that women entrepreneurs are making lasting contributions to the American business landscape in record numbers. They have become a vital, essential part of the U.S economic health and the nation’s prosperity. Therefore, women must be treated equally with men so that they can help developing the county.

Lastly, there also women serve alongside in the military. As we know, the main task of the military is usually defined as defense of the state and its interests against external armed threats. Today’s military is much more integrated along gender lines than at any time in the past. Since 1914, in western militaries, women have served in greater numbers and more diverse roles than before. So, women deserve to be treated like men and social inequality against women should be stopped because they have proven that they also have the strength and courage to do the same tasks as men which is worth being proud of.

To sum up, there is a lot of evidence to show that why should women be treated equally with men and stopped gender discrimination especially in society. This is because, women are setting examples everywhere and our society will achieve true gender equality. Besides, we should all spotlight them to improve the situation and offer them equal rights.



Challenges Women Entrepreneurs Face - (n.d.). Business News Daily. Retrieved November 17, 2022, from


Chapter 2: Equal Treatment for Men and Women. (2013, December 11). Pew Research Center. Retrieved November 17, 2022, from

Robinson, L., & O'Hanlon, M. E. (n.d.). Women Warriors: The ongoing story of integrating and diversifying the American armed forces. Brookings Institution. Retrieved November 17, 2022, from


Who was the first woman in space? (n.d.). Royal Museums Greenwich. Retrieved November 17, 2022, from


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