My name is Adam. I’m schooling at ST James. ST James is a school known as a school for the rich family. I got a chance to school here because I got scholarship. I’m from poor family. My mother is a single mom since my father passed away when my mother is 7 months pregnant. Now, my mother is working as a waiter at MCDonalds. My life is not as good as at home. It is because Alex always bullied me in school. Alex’s father is an actor so he really popular in school and nobody knows that he always bullied me. He always insulting me and said “You don't deserve to school here because everyone around here is from rich family!”.

There was a day when Alex asked me to see him behind the school and want me to do his homework and said “I want you to do my homework and make sure it’s done by tomorrow. If not, I will punch you!”. I do what Alex asks because I’m really scared. I follow what Alex said everyday until I can’t focus during class and always feel afraid. Teacher Sally, who is my class teacher, noticed that I’m changed and asked me “Adam do you have any problem?  your exam results this time are very bad. This is not Adam that I know”. I just said “I don’t have any problem, maam. Maybe I’m just tired and not getting enough rest”.

One day, I can't stand it anymore. I just ignored what Alex said and didn’t do Alex’s homework. That morning, Alex was scolded by his teacher because he didn’t finish his homework and got punished by his teacher. He was really angry with me. He met me behind the school and said ”Because of you I was scolded by the teacher. You like to see me get angry, don't you?”. That time, I got bullied very badly. I got beaten by Alex and his gang until I was powerless to fight back and I’m faint. Luckily, a few teachers who passed by saw me and they quickly helped me by sending me to the hospital.

After that, my mother got a call that I’m warded and she was really shocked. She didn’t expect this because I never told anyone that I got bullied. My mother Lily, makes a police report because she wants the offender to receive a punishment commensurate with what was done. The police did an investigation in school and they found CCTV at the place where it happened. After a few hours, Alex was arrested by the police. When the police came to Alex's house to arrest him, a group of reporters attacked Alex’ father with a lot of questions like “why was your son arrested?” “What has your son done?”. Alex's father just keeps quiet and very ashamed of his son's attitude.

For everyone out there, please don't get used to social inequality in community life. Everyone needs to be grateful for what they have because not everyone gets a chance to have what we have. Lastly, don't use your advantage as a weapon to humiliate others.


My name is Peter. I’m 20 years old and I’m studying at Johnson International College. I love studying here because all my lecturers are very kind and I already considered them as my parents. They teach us until we understand and always help us when doing assignments. My classmates also are very polite and some of them like to make jokes. Everything was perfect until there was a new boy entering our class. His name is Edmund and his father has a position in the Ministry of Education. Since his father has a high position, everyone respected him including my lecturer. All my lecturers focused more on him. They always ask him whether he understands or not.

Edmund is a very naughty student. He likes to make trouble by disturbing others. One day, he disturbed my best friend, Lucy, while the lecturer was teaching. I saw that and I said “stop bothering others and focus in class”. My lecturer heard that and asked “what happened Peter?” and I replied “Edmund is bothering Lucy, madam”. My lecturer just said “maybe Edmund didn't mean it”. Edmund smiled at me like he owns this world. I’m very shocked when I heard what my lecturer said. From that I realized that the lecturer was never angry with him even if he made trouble.

After a few months, there are college tests. During the test, I saw Edmund copy the answer sheet of his friend next to him. After the exam, I met my lecturer and told her “Madam, I saw Edmund copy the answer from others” and my lecturer just said “it’s okay, Peter”. I’m really angry until I know my face is already red, as red as a red apple when I hear my lecturer say that. I asked my lecturer “why all the lecturer didn’t take any action against him and just let him do whatever he wanted to do”. My lecturer said “I can’t do anything Peter because you already know that his father has a position in the Ministry of Education”. I just kept silent and nodded.

A few days after that, I saw Edmond’s father on the television screen. The newsreader said that his father was arrested and convicted of taking bribes. After that, I got to know that Edmond quit college because he was ashamed of his father's actions. I’m really shocked and hope everything is okay and he can change for the better.

            Social inequality in education, especially about status, always happens in our community. Just because you’re rich, like you can buy the world, it doesn't mean you can suppress other people by using your status or your money. Lastly, everyone must always respect each other even though you have a high position in any organization.


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