

What is social inequality? Social inequality is characterized by the existence of unequal opportunities and rewards for different social positions or statuses within a group or society. It contains structured and recurrent patterns of unequal distributions of goods, wealth, opportunities, rewards, and punishments. Racism, for example, is understood to be a phenomenon whereby access to rights and resources is unfairly distributed across racial lines. Social inequality has affected in conditions and opportunities. Inequality of conditions refers to the unequal distribution of income, wealth, and material goods. Other than that, inequality of opportunities refers to the unequal distribution of life chances across individuals.

First of all, inequality of conditions with the homeless and those living in housing projects sitting at the bottom of the hierarchy while those living in multi-million-dollar mansions sit at the top. As we can see in Malaysia, Malaysian citizens are not foreigners. The top reasons for homelessness in Malaysia include unemployment, low income and domestic violence.

Next, studies have shown that college and university professors are more likely to ignore emails from women and people of color than they are to ignore those from white men, which privileges the educational outcomes of white men by channeling a biased amount of mentoring and educational resources to them. For instance, according to a segment produced by NPR, researchers led by the Wharton School's Katherine Milkman emailed 6,500 professors from 89 disciplines at the top 259 schools, pretending to be students.

On the other hand, social inequality in gender. For an example, women are systematically paid less than men for doing the same work. As a proof, the research has shown which is based on the responses of over 2,000 procurement professionals in different countries and industries. Salary for men is higher than women. The study looks at the salaries of these individuals as well as unpacking the different pay available to men and women.

Last but not least, a number of economists have argued that inequality leads to economic instability. One mechanism by which this happens is that the rich consume a smaller proportion of their income than the poor. They save money which people on lower incomes would spend. This leads to a reduction in aggregate demand, which in turn leads to unemployment. In response, governments take measures to stimulate demand, such as lowering interest rates. This feeds into asset bubbles. In other words, unsustainably high housing prices. Meanwhile, as inequality grows, individuals facing low or declining relative incomes maintain their consumption through borrowing. A very small rise in unemployment or interest rates can lead to defaults on mortgages or consumer loans and can have catastrophic results.

To summarize, the government should focus on the issue of racism and social inequality for a bright future. In addition, society and ourselves should also avoid social inequality for a better and healthy environment.



In the 19th century, there was a black handsome Nigerian boy named Max live happily with his beloved family. He is smart, kindhearted and has the sweetest smile. In the morning, he always wake up early and help his mother by preparing sandwiches to be sold at his school so that the money that he got can be his spending money. When the school session end, he came back home early to finish his homework. In the evening, Max and his white rich friend named Alexender went to the rugby field to have training session. At night, he spent his time wisely with his beloved family by watching television together.

Until one fine day, his daily routine had turned bleak. There is a new white American woman teacher has been assigned to teach at his school. Her name is Emma, and she is racist with skin color. She has become a new mathematics teacher for Max’s class. Since the presence, his learning performance fallen sharply. Max that has been known as number one or top student for everyone is no longer his title. It is like a dark and hopeless future for him.

All of his white American classmate got well-served by Miss Emma, but he did not. His marks for every examination were fell badly which is below than 50 percent. It happened because Miss Emma had incitement every teacher in that school to not give an excellent grade or marks for black student although they scored in all examination. Miss Emma also ignored Max while in class. She made Max look like he did not exist. Other than that, Miss Emma also caused Max not to seek financial assistance from the school. These all-racist activities have changed Max’s life 360 degrees.

Max has suffered from depression and has been ravaged by his white American friends. His white rich friend which is Alexender also did not friend with him anymore. But even sadder, he showed his family’s wealth towards Max by his luxury cars and clothes. He also caused Max removed from rugby team. Max had received a lot of condemnation and criticism from his white American friends. He did not tell his problems to his family because he prefers to be latent so that he did not burden his family members.

Day by day, his problems ate himself and his condition was getting worse. He became quieter and no longer like the cheerful Max. He locked himself in his room and hurts himself in silence at the middle of night. Until one fine morning, his mother was trying to wake him up, but his door was locked. His mother was feeling bad about this and asked her husband to knock the door. After a long knock, the husband used the room’s key to open the door and the door are able to open. Then, Max’s parents saw a very terrible and shocking things that happened to his son.


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