Due to the occurrence of discrimination and injustice, race-related issues are frequently raised nowadays. Inequality is defined as a person's or a group's negative attitudes, thoughts, and beliefs towards members or other ethnic groups that influence the party with a negative attitude's behavior. Discrimination is defined as the act of comparing and distinguishing individuals or ethnic groups solely based on ethnic characteristics. Since the beginning of time, there has been inequality (feudal system). This can be seen among school students due to a lack of awareness about the evils of this matter and a continuing bias against other races such as Malays, Chinese, and Indians.

Among the discrimination between students of different races in school is that these minority students will be alone because the majority students will sideline and look at them with suspicion. In a national school, for example, the majority of students are Malay. Because priority is given to Malay students, students of other races, such as Chinese and Indians, will be bullied and denied the opportunity to showcase their hidden talents.

Furthermore, some teachers are still stuck in the feudal system of comparing and differentiating individuals solely on race type. There are also teachers who choose love by favoring their own race's students over students of other races, who exaggerate or teach favorite students with complete patience while teaching students of other races with indifference. This is very disappointing because education does not reach all students who may suffer academically and then drop out of the subject. Malay teachers, for example, will only assist Malay students in academics and extracurricular activities where Malay students will hold more important positions than other students.

Next, vernacular schools contribute to racial discrimination because Chinese national-type schools focus more on Chinese students and encourage them to participate in activities with certificates for the students' future. This will irritate other students, potentially leading to fights both inside and outside the school. Even worse, when it comes to the police case, the student's future is at stake.

Finally, the inequality and discrimination that occurs can lead to racial fights and riots, threatening the country's unity and security. As a result, all parties must play their respective roles in dealing with this issue so that it can be curtailed and controlled before it worsens.


Raju is a student at an urban Tamil national type school who excels in academics and co-curricular activities. Raju's family had to relocate to the village when he was about to enter the fifth grade because his father was assigned there. Raju was initially irritated with his father and reasoned that why not after he took the SPM exam? However, after being persuaded and explained to by his mother, Raju began to understand.

Arrived at a village with a large geographical area. The village people, who were mostly Malays, and Raju noticed that their family's arrival was not well received. Raju's parents advised him to be optimistic. "After all, if you don't know, you don't love," his mother explained to her beloved son.

The dreaded day of starting a new school has finally arrived. A national school with a Malay majority of students. During his breaks, he looks for students of the same race as him. Unfortunately, none exist, and Raju has recently discovered that he is the only Indian student in the school. And the first day of school has already passed.

Raju is surprised to find a pile of trash on his desk and visible liquid glue on his chair the next day. Raju was so disappointed, and that's when he realized he was being bullied. Raju's presence was not accepted by the Malay students in the class. Malay students continue to mock and blackmail Raju. Raju's studies suffered as a result, and he was denied extracurricular opportunities.

The training is over. Unable to bear being treated in this manner, Raju complained to his parents, who planned to report the incident to the teacher in charge. However, some parents of Malay students have reported their children's discomfort as a result of Raju's presence at school. They believe Raju will have a negative or inappropriate influence on their children. In the end, Raju and his family returned home empty-handed as a result of Raju's injustice. Raju's father believes that the village people's thinking is still outdated and closed, preventing them from getting to know each other's hearts.

Raju's father, an education officer stationed in the village, took action by discussing the situation with his men and then meeting with the school to organize an inter-racial activity to prevent the injustice from worsening. This proposal was well received by the school's headmaster, alhamdulillah. As a result, a sports programme was held, and residents of various races were invited to participate. They participate in sports, work together to win an activity, and tolerate one another. In a roundabout way, Malay residents and students present began to see the true nature of Indians as good, considerate, friendly, and so on. Far from what they had previously believed.

This became hot news in the village and was on the minds of the students at Raju's school. The other Malay students began talking to Raju because everything was wrong and they were fed up with their discriminatory thinking. They sincerely apologize to Raju. Since then, they've been studying together, and Raju's grades have begun to improve again. Finally, Raju and his friends pass the SPM exam, which is the deciding factor for their future. And, most surprisingly, Raju and his friends received straight A's! Raju was thanked by everyone for not holding a grudge and for being willing to share his knowledge with them.

Raju, who has experienced discrimination, is determined to address this issue and fight for justice for all races at the school and university levels. Raju hopes that all races are treated fairly and that no other victim experiences what he did.


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